Sunday, August 9, 2009


So this morning I woke up late. 11:00am. I really don't like sleeping in anymore but I needed it. So I got up, made a smoothie, had a lame attempt at a quiet time, made some eggs, and tried not to drink ANY coffee.


I'm now sitting in front of my computer screen sipping on a nice warm cup of joe sweetened with some sugar-free vanilla caramel coffee mate and feeling like I just discovered the magnitude of my coffee infatuation. No, that's saying it gently. I'm addicted. SHOOT.

I've come to the truth about myself. I don't just like the taste or the warmth. Coffee is a little god for me that breeds all things comfy and cozy.

When I'm drinking it the world isn't so bad.
Maybe that's too far. The world's still bad. I love my life though, don't get me wrong. All I know is that coffee is satisfying something in me other than a caffeine fix. Caffeine really has zero affect on me anyway. BUT WHAT IS IT?

I love coffee too much for it to be okay. Maybe I need a relationship. Ba. ha.

Jesus, help me.
Refill time.

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