Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Life of the Unemployed

Well, we're about three weeks into the summer [I think] and I am still without work. I've been waiting for a couple of weeks to hear back about a job with someone I babysit for, but so far nothing. The company I would be working for is called The Nexxus Group. I don't want to take the time to explain what they do because that would bore both me and you. But actually I think it would be a pretty cool job so I hope I get it. It sounds like if they want to spend the money on me I got it. But who knows. They're being kind of flakey at the moment.

While being unemployed, however, I have been able to rest a lot and do some fun things. The week of my birthday I went down to Charleston, SC for two days and hung out with my brother and his in-laws. It was so fun. I got to surf [if you can call it that] and get a sweet tan. Now my skin finally matches the color of my make-up. Hooray!

I've also been doing some reading, most of which is not on that original list that I related to you all. I started Dear John by Nicholas Sparks [my first Sparks book] and I read a couple of chapters in A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis, which, to be honest, I didn't really like. I know that's a sin for any Asburian to criticize Lewis, but I just didn't think it was that spectacular. Just depressing, which is fine because he was going through immense suffering when he wrote this piece, I just didn't find it particularly helpful. But I don't think it was intended to be. He's a brilliant thinker, but I was mildly discouraged after reading this work.

Also in my free time I've been going to the gym a whole bunch. Me and the YMCA are like this. I've been spending around an hour and a half there everyday this week. It's strange because I usually hate working out, but I've been quite enjoying it. And seriously, there are some pretty attractive college-aged men there in the middle of the day in the summer. Who knew?

Yesterday, I babysat for the same family three separate times.

I've gone shopping six times since I've been home.

I'm going to a surprise birthday party on Saturday for my friend. She's turning 40. Who am I?

Finally, I've somehow managed to scrounge up a blind date for Sunday afternoon. The woman I babysit for, Robyn, insisted that I go out with this German kid from Munich who's living in her neighborhood for the summer. I said, sure, why not? He seems super nice so we'll see. Anybody know anything about German culture? Any taboos I should be aware of? He's into Architecture, he speaks three languages, and he's driven across the US so I think he might be an interesting person to get to know. Oh and he also apparently refers to me as 'LJ' behind my back. But for real, I'm kind of scared to go out with a European. Hopefully I won't behave too sillily.

Sorry if this blog was boring... the point is that after all that I feel like a bum and I wish I had a job so that I would know that I am contributing to my family and my education. I need money for next year and watching my parents go to work bright and early everyday is making me feel like I should be doing the same. I know they don't feel like I'm a burden but you know how it is...

Monday, May 24, 2010

I just filled out an application for...

The Bachelor. But um crap. Should I send it in or not? I think I would crap my pants if I actually got on the show. Like literally. I don't want to be famous and I don't want 1million people looking at me... but it sounds kind of fun because that show is so awesome and funny. Shoot. I'm being an indecisive girl. What do you all think? I probably won't get it anyway so who cares.... but I want your input.

Monday, May 17, 2010

20 to 21

Today is May 17. That means that it is my last day of being 20. Every year my dad says something to this effect, "only 2 more days of being x age," and every year it makes me anxious. Why so scared of time? Tomorrow I will be 21 and there's nothing I can do about it. I think that's why time is so scary. Besides death and taxes it's one thing that we have absolutely zero control over. It's funny that we try to control so much of our lives when in the end we really end up being completely out of control. Another reason why we need God so much.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to 21. If I didn't have any concern about time slipping through my fingers I would be way pumped to turn 21. It just sounds better than 20. But it's also sad because I will graduate college when I turn 22, which means that one year from now I will be officially done with my schooling (at least for now) and will be out in the work force paying bills and loads of taxes. Emotionally, mentally, physically, metaphysically, existentially, cognitively I need to prep myself for paying taxes because I know I'm going to loathe it. Oh goodness, where is this blog going?

Point of the story, I'm turing twenty-one tomorrow and I'm starting to feel like a real adult. So here's a picture of where I am right now and who I'm with which has nothing to do with this blog but I want to put a picture. I guess it's a photo of my last day of 20.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Summer Reading List

Every summer I have high aspirations for my reading list. I usually think I can read about five books, which is definitely possible for your avid reader, but I'm lazy. I usually only get through a half a book because there always seem to be better things to do than read.
My list this year includes some books that I've started, some that I'm reading again, and some that I've heard are good and want to try. Here they are:
1. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
2. The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
3. A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren
4. As Sure as the Dawn by Francine Rivers
5. East of Eden by John Steinbeck
6. The Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore

I'm looking forward to trying real hard to finish these. Have any of you read them? What did you think?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Dear Sweet Blog,

I wish I had time to write on you. Exams being over and everything you'd think I would. But just know that my love for you hasn't changed. I will write you some pretty words just as soon as I can.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dear Finals,

I hate you and so does everybody else.